在处理知识时考虑个人,潜在的矛盾观点的重要性已得到广泛认可。许多现有的本体管理方法完全合并了知识的观点,这可能需要削弱以保持一致性;其他人以完全独立的方式代表了独特的观点。作为替代方案,我们提出了观点逻辑,这是一种简单而多功能的多模式逻辑````addon''',用于现有的KR语言,用于针对域知识的集成表示,相对于多样化的,可能是相互冲突的角度,可以是层次结构化的, ,组合并相互关联。从一阶观点逻辑(FOSL)的通用框架开始,我们随后将注意力集中在句子公式的片段上,为此,我们将poly Time Translation转换为无角度版本。该结果对一阶逻辑的各种高度表达性可决定性片段产生可决定性和有利的复杂性。然后,我们使用一些精心设计的编码技巧,然后为OWL 2 DL本体语言的逻辑SROIQB_S建立类似的翻译。借助此结果,现有高度优化的猫头鹰推理器可用于为通过角度建模扩展的本体学语言提供实用的推理支持。
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Deep learning models have shown promising results in recognizing depressive states using video-based facial expressions. While successful models typically leverage using 3D-CNNs or video distillation techniques, the different use of pretraining, data augmentation, preprocessing, and optimization techniques across experiments makes it difficult to make fair architectural comparisons. We propose instead to enhance two simple models based on ResNet-50 that use only static spatial information by using two specific face alignment methods and improved data augmentation, optimization, and scheduling techniques. Our extensive experiments on benchmark datasets obtain similar results to sophisticated spatio-temporal models for single streams, while the score-level fusion of two different streams outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Our findings suggest that specific modifications in the preprocessing and training process result in noticeable differences in the performance of the models and could hide the actual originally attributed to the use of different neural network architectures.
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The development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in space applications is growing quickly as the consensus increases on the potential benefits introduced. As more and more aerospace engineers are becoming aware of new trends in AI, traditional approaches are revisited to consider the applications of emerging AI technologies. Already at the time of writing, the scope of AI-related activities across academia, the aerospace industry and space agencies is so wide that an in-depth review would not fit in these pages. In this chapter we focus instead on two main emerging trends we believe capture the most relevant and exciting activities in the field: differentiable intelligence and on-board machine learning. Differentiable intelligence, in a nutshell, refers to works making extensive use of automatic differentiation frameworks to learn the parameters of machine learning or related models. Onboard machine learning considers the problem of moving inference, as well as learning, onboard. Within these fields, we discuss a few selected projects originating from the European Space Agency's (ESA) Advanced Concepts Team (ACT), giving priority to advanced topics going beyond the transposition of established AI techniques and practices to the space domain.
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Identifying similar network structures is key to capture graph isomorphisms and learn representations that exploit structural information encoded in graph data. This work shows that ego-networks can produce a structural encoding scheme for arbitrary graphs with greater expressivity than the Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test. We introduce IGEL, a preprocessing step to produce features that augment node representations by encoding ego-networks into sparse vectors that enrich Message Passing (MP) Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) beyond 1-WL expressivity. We describe formally the relation between IGEL and 1-WL, and characterize its expressive power and limitations. Experiments show that IGEL matches the empirical expressivity of state-of-the-art methods on isomorphism detection while improving performance on seven GNN architectures.
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深度神经网络(DNNS)已成为现代软件系统的关键组成部分,但是在与训练期间观察到的条件不同的条件下,它们很容易失败,或者对真正模棱两可的输入,即。 ,在其地面真实标签中接受多个类别的多个类别的输入。最近的工作提出了DNN主管在可能的错误分类之前检测高确定性输入会导致任何伤害。为了测试和比较DNN主管的能力,研究人员提出了测试生成技术,将测试工作集中在高度确定性输入上,这些输入应被主管识别为异常。但是,现有的测试发电机只能产生分布式输入。没有现有的模型和主管与无关的技术支持真正模棱两可的测试输入。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的方法来生成模棱两可的输入来测试DNN主管,并将其用于比较几种现有的主管技术。特别是,我们建议歧义生成图像分类问题的模棱两可的样本。模棱两可的基于正规化对抗自动编码器的潜在空间中的梯度引导采样。此外,据我们所知,我们进行了最广泛的DNN主管比较研究,考虑到它们可以检测到4种不同类型的高级输入(包括真正模棱两可的)的能力。
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剖面隐藏的马尔可夫模型(PHMM)广泛用于许多生物信息学应用中,以准确识别生物学序列(例如DNA或蛋白质序列)之间的相似性。 PHMM使用常用和高度精确的方法(称为Baum-Welch算法)来计算这些相似性。但是,Baum-Welch算法在计算上很昂贵,现有作品为固定的PHMM设计提供了软件或仅硬件解决方案。当我们分析最先进的作品时,我们发现迫切需要灵活,高性能和节能的硬件软件共同设计,以有效地有效地解决所有主要效率低下的效率PHMM的Baum-Welch算法。我们提出了APHMM,这是第一个灵活的加速框架,可以显着减少PHMM的Baum-Welch算法的计算和能量开销。 APHMM利用硬件软件共同设计来解决Baum-Welch算法中的主要效率低下,通过1)设计灵活的硬件来支持不同的PHMMS设计,2)利用可预测的数据依赖性模式,并使用chip Memory的片段记忆,使用纪念活动技术,memoigience Memoriques,Memoigience Memoriques,Memoigient, 3)通过基于硬件的过滤器快速消除可忽略的计算,4)最小化冗余计算。我们在专用硬件和2)GPU的软件优化方面实现了我们的1)硬件软件优化,以为PHMM提供首个灵活的Baum-Welch加速器。与Baum-Welch算法的CPU,GPU和FPGA实现相比,APHMM提供的显着加速度为15.55 x-260.03x,1.83x-5.34x和27.97倍,分别为27.97倍。 APHMM的表现优于三个重要的生物信息学应用程序的最新CPU实现,1)错误校正,2)蛋白质家族搜索和3)多个序列对齐,比1.29x-59.94x,1.03x-1.75x和分别为1.03x-1.95x。
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